As the name suggests, the Special Recognition Award is an award that was created by Melling Parish Council to give special recognition to The Melling Community Volunteers which first started when Sue and Adam Franklin (landlords of the Horse and Jockey Pub, Melling) had to close their doors at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Sue & Adam were concerned about the community and those who were deemed vulnerable, so they offered their support.
The Horse & Jockey and their staff were equipped to cook and package the meals but they required help getting the meals and supplies out to those that needed it the most. Sue & Adam, along with Adam’s brother Dee, put a call out for help on their Facebook page and within a couple of days there were a large number of volunteers ready to give their time to support the community and wider areas.
More than 2000 leaflets were delivered to homes across Melling and social media posts targeted towards neighbouring Aintree, Kirkby and Maghull. Along with taxi drivers, Melling Parish Council and local volunteer services, they were able to identify those most vulnerable.
An amazing group of volunteers also set up a ‘Listening Ear’ service which consisted of regular telephone calls to those that were lonely during the isolation period. Volunteers also helped to get prescriptions, medications and shopping for those that that did not have any other support available to them.
The volunteers delivered over 10,000 meals to our vulnerable community, all supplied by the Horse & Jockey Pub. Made over 5000 phone calls and supported over 500 local people.
During school holidays the Melling Volunteers/Horse and Jockey provided packed lunches for children within Melling who required a lunch during this period.
The award was presented by Bill Esterton MP and received by Julie Wilson on behalf of the Melling Volunteers.